
日時:平成29年12月23日(土) 13:00〜16:30
*時間内にお越しください。     受付時間は16:00となります。

会場:新橋ばるーん  304号学習室

 JR:新橋駅下車 烏森口徒歩3分 地下鉄 浅草線・銀座線・ゆりかもめ:新橋駅下車 JR乗り換え口 徒歩4分 地下鉄 三田線:内幸町駅下車 A1出口徒歩10分
参加費:1個1500円 一対(2個)2,800円 定員20名様 





FAX&mail参加申込のお願い  Request for Application
事前予約プログラム問合せ先 : 03 - 3470 - 7066 担当:石山

参加申込みについて:参加をご希望の方は、下記に必要事項をご記入の上、FAXにてお送り下さい。*申込み締切 開催日の5日前
尚、E-mailでお申込み頂く場合は、①お名前 name  ②住所 address ③連絡先contact information を

FAX:03-3405-1796 Mail: info@edomae21.org    主催:NPO法人 江戸前21

The bamboo craft workshop
Making the KADOMATSU (the New Year’s decorative pine trees)for welcoming “TOSHIGAMI-SAMA” , the New Year’s divine.


In Japan, people decorate the Kadomatsu outside the door during the New Year’s season.
The kadomatsu is the object representative of a divine spirit.
It is believed that “TOSHIGAMI-SAMA” will visit our home with the sign of Kadomatsu, so each family
makes (or nowadays we usually buy them at the stores) their own Kadomatsu.
Edomae21 cooperate with the conservation society of Satoyama (outskirt of country) in Chiba.
The bamboo grows very fast so we need to be trimmed them often to maintain the mountains.
We use Aotake, the young bamboo, for the decorations.
 We’ll also show you some Edo Kirie, the traditional cutout pictures, to give you more information on
 the New Year’s decorations.  Would you like to make your own Kadomatsu for coming year?

The workshop will be held on Saturday, December 23, room 304 at Shinbashi balloon.
Participation fees: single 1500 yen, a pair 2800 yen. For 20 people on a first served basis.